Wheel alignment, also referred to as tracking is available at West Horsley Motor Works. If you’ve noticed your tyres are wearing unevenly or your car is pulling to one side, it can mean that you need wheel alignment on your vehicle. Our team are fully qualified to provide quality repairs and wheel alignment on any make or model of vehicle.
Wheel alignment sets your wheels to different angles to improve handling, comfortable driving and long-lasting tyres. Alignment will set your wheels to point in the right directions as specified by your vehicle manufacturer. Laser wheel alignment is conducted by hooking up your vehicle to a system that accurately pinpoints the angles that your tyre should be sat at. It identifies if any of them are out of line so that our mechanics can put things right.
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Minor knocks during driving can cause your wheel alignment to be affected. Things such as hitting the kerb, driving over potholes or wear to your suspension can cause your wheels to get knocked out of place. On the odd occasion, any work that is done to the wheels, tyres or suspension that isn’t conducted accurately can impact your wheel alignment.
It’s relatively easy to check your wheel alignment and get it correct should something be out of line. It’s affordable and simple to do. We’ll check your angles against the manufacturer’s specifications. These angles include the caster angle, which is how your car sits on a pivot from the front to the back of the car. This can affect the stability of your car and if it’s out of line can cause difficulties with control. The toe angle measures the direction of the wheels in relation to the centre of the car and the camber angle is the vertical tilt of our wheels. This angle controls how much your wheels are in contact with the road so are pretty important in keeping your car tyres wearing evenly.
We’ll check your wheel alignment and make sure that your wheels are all sat in line for better handling. If you’re experiencing your ca pulling to one side, your tyres wearing unevenly or a steering wheel that sits at an angle when driving straight you probably need to get your wheel alignment checked out. You can book your wheel alignment online easily with our booking tool. Alternatively, you can contact us for your wheel alignment repairs or book in for any repairs relating to your car. If you’re not sure whether you need wheel alignment, or you think you’ve had a knock that might have caused a problem, even if you’re symptom-free, just pop by or give us a call. Our friendly team are always available to give you advice on your vehicle when you need it. Book online today with West Horsley Motor Works.